
Climber Machine

Step up your Workout with Infrared Benefits


Stair climbing easy for beginners, challenging for the strongest, maximum calorie burning rate and muscle tone with infrared (IR) therapy. Using stairs has never been so exciting.

circumference reduction
Quick reduction
of fat tissue
cellulite reduction
Effective elimination
of cellulite
body tightening
& toned skin
Infrared (IR)


CLIMB TO A BETTER SHAPE There are some things a normal stair climber couldn’t do. And that’s why we came up with the Body Space Climber. More performance and results than ever before.
STEP UP YOUR WORKOUT Stair climber easy for beginners, challenging for the fittest, maximum caloric burn rate and muscle tone with Infrared (IR) therapy. Using a stair climber was never this exciting.
Climber Machine – it’s an innovative fitness device intended for aerobic workout characterised by various intensity. This device enables maximum burning of calories and provides one of the most effective ways to improve performance. No other exercise raises your heart rate in such a short time, while burning so many calories. Many muscle groups are engaged during this type of training, particularly legs and buttocks, which become slimmer, firmer and tighter with each subsequent step. Lose weight and reduce your body circumference, while at the same time achieving smoother and firmer skin in a short time – this effect is strengthened by the use of InfraRed technology.

INFRARED TECHNOLOGY Our devices use therapeutic and sensitive InfraRed. It causes the improvement of blood circulation and results in the delivery of nutrients even to the smallest capillaries, which is necessary in order to activate regeneration processes in the skin. Furthermore, increased body temperature that results from the impact of InfraRed contributes to quicker and more effective fat burning. In addition, thermal properties of InfraRed also have the analgesic and relaxing effect, so it perfectly relieves tension and eliminates pain occurring in the muscles.

Characteristics of the Philips InfraRed emitters used in our devices..


Device: Climb InfraRed

Display: LCD touch screen
manual user
warranty 12 months

Supply voltage: AC 220-240V
AC 110-120V
Power supply: 230V 50Hz; (L+N+PE), 110V
Recommended overcurrent protection: 20 A
Power InfraRed Lamps: 900 W; 6 pieces x Philips InfraRed 150 W
width with folded InfraRed panels: 1550 mm
900 mm
width with unfolded InfraRed panels: 1300 mm
the minimum required height of the premises: 2090 mm
maximum treadmill load: 180 kg
step speed range from: 24 to 164 steps / 1 min
device weight: 400 kg
material composite: glass-fiber reinforced plastic


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Schody InfraRed Body Space - Urządzenie fitness typu schody z technologią podczerwieni InfraRed